Social Studies Faculty – Modern Studies Department

Social Studies Faculty – Mr H Duncan (CL)

Geography & Modern Studies Department

Mr H Duncan (CL)
Mr S Cormack
Ms C McDougall
Ms C O’Brien

BGE Modern Studies (Faculty of Social Subjects)

By the end of S3 pupils will have covered the following:

Skills focus on writing conclusions, report writing, and debating.

Skills include the identification of bias and exaggeration, evaluation and analysis.

Skills include creating, researching and presenting.


Nat 3,4 & 5
This course will develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary political and social issues in local, Scottish, United Kingdom and international contexts.  Learners will develop skills that will help them interpret and participate in social and political processes.


Higher Modern Studies contributes to personal and social development.  The course includes the study of the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society and the moral and ethical responsibilities of individuals.

The course comprises:

Political Issues

  • Decision Making in Scotland and the UK – (the role and powers of the UK Parliament, how local government and the Scottish Parliament operate).
  • Electoral systems, Voting and Political Attitudes.
  • The impact of UK membership of the EU.

Social Issues in the UK

  • The impact of social inequality in terms of income, employment, education, housing, health, and social mobility.

International Issues: The lack of development in Africa

  • Reasons for lack of development
  • The impact of lack of development on individuals, countries and their governments
  • Effectiveness of international organisations of attempting to resolve lack of development


Advanced Higher

Social Issues – Crime and Law

Context 1 – Understanding Criminal Behaviour:

This course is set at first year university level and the focus of the Advanced Higher in Dalkeith High School is Law & Order. Pupils study Criminology – the reasons for crime, and also the impact of crime. The focus is on the causes of crime with reference to sociological, psychological & physiological theories. The relationship between crime and social and economic factors is also examined. Pupils assess the impact of crime on individuals and various groups within society.  The functions of the penal system are also studied.

Context 2 – Research Methods:

Research methodology is studied, along with the related moral and ethical issues.