Monday 11th November 2024
This week we are celebrating Anti-Bullying Week at Dalkeith High School. We are launching our new Equalities and Bullying Self-Referral Form, holding whole school assemblies led by our seniors, and there will be a Kindness Post Box placed in the canteen during Wednesday and Thursday for pupils and staff to post messages of kindness and respect to others in the school. Each department will be leading lessons on the theme of ‘RESPECT’, and there will be tannoy announcements each day from our senior pupils to promote our events.
Tuesday 12th November is Odd Socks Day. We want all staff and young people to come in to school wearing the oddest pair of socks they can find. This is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique. There will be prizes for the oddest pair of socks!
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Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
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