
The curriculum is everything that is planned in order to help young people learn and develop.  Our curriculum sits within the national 3-18 Curriculum for Excellence which is designed to help young people become:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors

The curriculum is based on these key entitlements:

  • a curriculum which is coherent from 3 to 18
  • a broad general education, including well planned experiences and outcomes across all the curriculum areas from early years through to S3.
  • a senior phase, after S3, which provides opportunities to attain and achieve, including to study for qualifications, awards and other planned activities to develop the four capacities
  • opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work
  • opportunities to maximise individual potential, benefitting from appropriate personal support and challenge
  • support to help individuals move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school

Pupils access the curriculum through:

  • curriculum areas and subjects
  • learning across subjects
  • ethos and life of the school
  • opportunities for personal achievement

In order to develop the four capacities and ensure the entitlements are met our curriculum aims to

  • reflect local and national priorities
  • reflect the school’s vision and values
  • ensure parity of esteem across the range of different pathways by providing accreditation where possible
  • allow for progression for all young people
  • maximise attainment and achievement for each young person
  • create space for personal achievement opportunities
  • provide for each young person a flexible pathway to qualifications and skills development and, ultimately, to a sustained positive destination

For more information on the Curriculum for Excellence please follow this link What is curriculum for excellence?