Dalkeith High School Dress Code Policy
A clearly defined dress code is important because it:
- Enhances and improves the school’s identity in the community
- Creates a sense of pride and belonging
- Helps to identify pupils on a shared campus, therefore improving the security of our school
- Reduces incidents of bullying and helps develop equity across the school
Core expectations:
School colours must be obvious no matter the option chosen below.
All pupils are expected to follow the school’s dress code as noted below:
Pupils CAN wear the following items to school:
- School hoodie (no expectation to wear a tie)
- Plain black jumper (expected to wear a shirt and school tie with this option)
- Plain black cardigan (expected to wear a shirt and school tie with this option)
- School tie (only if pupil is not wearing a school hoodie)
- Plain, white, full length t-shirt/polo shirt
- White shirt/blouse
- Plain black jeans/trousers
- Plain black skirt/ formal shorts
- Black trainers (white sole/stripe acceptable)
- Black shoes/boots
Pupils CANNOT wear the following items to school:
- No logos on t-shirts
- No logos on jumpers/cardigans
- Baseball caps/hats
- Sports/football tops
- Tracksuits/sportswear (tops or jogging bottoms)
- Blue/Grey faded denim
- Ripped jeans
- Cropped tops that show midriff
- Leggings on their own (leggings can be worn with a skirt)
- Sports leggings
- Coloured trainers
- Crocs/sliders
Please note pupils will be asked to remove outdoor wear, including coats and hats when in class
Representing the school
If pupils are representing the school at an event or awards ceremony, they will be expected to wear the following items:
- White shirt
- School tie (this will be made available to all pupils for the occasion)
- Black jeans/trousers/skirt
- Black trainers/shoes/boots
PE Kit
All pupils are expected to wear appropriate PE kit during their PE lessons. Please see a note below:
During PE lessons pupils are expected to wear:
- A full length t-shirt
- Shorts/Leggings/Jogging bottoms
- Trainers
Pupils are expected to get changed for PE.
Therefore, please note pupils should not wear PE kit to school.
This includes days which pupils have PE as part of their timetable.
Please click the link to download the full consultation and policy here: Dress-Code-Policy
The school has a ‘uniform bank’ which pupils can access at any point.
Dress code will be monitored by classroom teachers, if there is persistent non-compliance (ie: 3 times in one week) a text message will be sent home.
- Reminds pupils to remove outdoor clothing at the beginning of every lesson
- If pupil has not complied with uniform policy, add a demerit for Uniform on SEEMIS (P1 and 5/6 only)
- Inform pupil of the demerit and remind them of the school dress code expectations
- Carries out monthly uniform spot checks
- Remind pupils of the school dress code expectations
- Pulls a Uniform report from SEEMIS – pupils who have not complied with the new dress code 3 days or more in one week
- Spreadsheet to be sent to HOH for house meetings
- Monitors uniform records on SEEMIS
- With sensitivity, offers access to school uniform where appropriate
- Monitors uniform records on SEEMIS
- If persistent non-compliance (ie: 3 times or more in a week), contacts home to inform parent/carer
- With sensitivity, offers access to school uniform where appropriate
- Carries out weekly uniform spot checks
- Remind pupils of the school dress code expectations
Download: School Dress Code
The school has a fully-supported dress code, thanks to the valued support of parents.
Account is taken to avoid any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race or gender.