Friday 14th June 2024
Well done to our Under 13s football team (S1) who won the East and Midlothian League Cup. It was a thrilling game against Lasswade, which saw our team lead 6-1 at half time. It was a game of two halves as Lasswade came back into the game and managed to score a few goals to bring the score back to 6-5 with five minutes left to play. Thankfully, the team managed to hold on and it finished 6-5 to Dalkeith. The trophy they won is called the Charlie Wood Cup. Charlie was a history teacher here at DHS who then became Principal Teacher of History and he used to run the football leagues for all of the schools. This is the first time Dalkeith High School has won the cup, so it is great to have it here on display.
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Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
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