English & Literacy BGE

Topics covered in BGE:

We offer all our S1-S3 pupils a full English programme which will develop in them:

  • confidence, competence, enjoyment and challenge in the use of language for a variety of purposes
  • appreciation, through literature, of aesthetic, emotional, social and moral issues

We aim, therefore, to consolidate and build upon skills acquired by pupils at primary school

  • to develop pupils’ skills in close reading and in writing for a variety of purposes
  • to encourage an interest in personal reading
  • to foster development of talking and listening skills
  • to develop pupils’ skills in responding imaginatively and critically to literature


The courses consist of planned blocks/units of work which, in accordance with Curriculum for Excellence Guidelines, include for all pupils the elements of Reading, Writing and Talking & Listening.


Pupils read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts for different purposes including:

Assessment opportunities come through our learners gaining experience of:

  • Close reading
  • Reading aloud
  • The study of literature
  • Critical evaluation skills
  • Textual analysis
  • Personal reading

S1 –S3 students have a library period allocated each fortnight.


Pupils are taught the processes of writing, including:

  • thinking and planning
  • using and adapting the plan in drafting
  • evaluating and conferencing to make effective changes
  • preparing to ‘publish’ – proof reading and editing

Learners are given the opportunity to write in a range of literary genres (poetry, drama etc.) throughout their BGE experience.

Talking and Listening

Opportunities for talking arise from whole-class and group discussion about texts, issues and the media.  The skills of group discussion are taught and practised.

Pupils are required to be assessed in solo and group talk, and in listening.

Solo Talk & Group Discussion

Tasks may include reaction to literature, topical issues, selection and decision making etc.

In addition to that from specific listening assessments evidence of attainment in Talking will be gathered from day to day class work.


Listening is addressed partly by specific tasks, within units or free standing, and partly through its role in class/group discussion.

In addition to that from specific listening assessments evidence of attainment in Listening will be gathered from day to day class work.