Topics covered in BGE:
Art and Design
Our practical, hands-on projects are designed to encourage pupils to explore a range of materials and techniques, whilst developing creativity and imagination. Pupils will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of methods including 3D manipulation, digital working and traditional approaches to drawing and painting.
Pupils will learn about a wide variety of artists, designers and their practice to inform their own practical outcomes. Through a range of engaging critical activities, pupils will develop communication, research and analytical skills to enhance their literacy and subject specific knowledge and understanding.
In music, the BGE years cover the following topics:
Keyboard Skills, Ukulele, Tuned Percussion, Rhythms & Notation, Instruments of the Orchestra, Film Music, Scottish Music, Voice types, World music, Time signatures & Music through the Decades.
In Music Technology, pupils have the opportunity to create music, sound effects and the chance to record their own scripts for the following media:
In Drama, the following units are currently explored:
Salon on Campus