Formal Assessment Timetable

Monday 11th November 2024

Our Senior Phase Formal Assessments (Prelims) are scheduled to take place from Thursday 28 th November to Monday 16 th December inclusive.

Formal Assessments are only scheduled where pupils are being presented for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher (unless you have been otherwise informed by your teacher). Pupils working at alternative levels will still be expected to attend class and will continue work / assessments for their level of study. There is no exam leave during the formal assessment diet. All young people will be expected to be in class other than when completing a scheduled formal assessment.
If a pupil’s performance in SQA examinations in May is disappointing, we can, in exceptional circumstances request that SQA review your exam script with a view to getting a better grade awarded. Should this be the case, the evidence we require to support this process is that from the Formal Assessment diet. This would also be the case if you are unable to attend your final exam due to illness or significant personal circumstances. It is therefore essential that every pupil performs as well as possible in the Formal Assessment diet.
Formal Assessments are a formal examination and behaviour and conduct must be of the highest order at all times. Misbehaviour of any sort will result in immediate removal from the examination room. In addition, confidentiality of Formal Assessment papers is vital, therefore you should not discuss any aspect of the Formal Assessments until after the diet is complete on Monday 16 th December. Any breach of this could impact the robustness of the evidence and may result in Formal Assessment evidence becoming void. Good timekeeping and attendance are particularly important over the examination period.
I would ask that the Formal Assessment timetable below is reviewed carefully with any issues/clashes identified as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of these arrangements.

A change has been made to the Politics Assessment time (Highlighted in red on the new version below). 12/11/24

Download: Formal Assessment Timetable final 2425 (2)

Yours sincerely
Mr Craig Knight
Depute Head Teacher

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