Tuesday 12th November 2024
11.11.24: Parent Partnership Meeting – 1900 Art Department
11 – 15.11.24: Anti-Bullying Week (see below)
12.11.24: Careers and Curriculum Evening 1700 – 1900 Library (see below)
12.11.24: Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying
Anti-Bullying Week
We will begin the week with House assemblies led by our House and School Captains on the role we
can all play to combat bullying. The assemblies will also mark Remembrance.
In PSE lessons will be on the theme of respect and accepting others for who they are. Some lessons
in other subjects this week will focus on similar themes. Our S1 will also be designing new posters
for display around the school highlighting what respect looks like at DHS.
A ‘Kindness Postbox’ has been set up in the canteen and pupils can post positive messages about
their peers and staff. These will be delivered on Friday by our S6.
On Tuesday 12 th pupils and staff can take part in Odd Socks Day to celebrate difference and
individuality. There will be prizes for the most creative odd socks!
Formal Assessments
The timetable for the S4-6 formal assessments is now available on the school website, please see
this link for details.
We have a range of supported study session to help pupils prepare, please see this link for details.
A quick reminder that to access school transport pupils should always carry their bus passes.
Careers and Curriculum Evening
The annual Careers and Curriculum Evening will take place on Tuesday 12 th November – 1700 – 1900.
Please see the website for further details.
For those coming by car a reminder that there is additional parking behind the school in the bus
Kind Regards
S. Illingworth
Head Teacher (Acting)
Whole School
Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
Whole School
Whole School