Tuesday 14th January 2025
14/15.1.25 S3 Coursing Appointments (PSL/Pupil)
20.1.25 Senior Phase Tracking reports issued, including Formal Assessment results.
Senior Phase – Formal Assessment Results and Next Steps
The tracking reports for S4-6 will be with you by the beginning of next week. These reports will include results from the recent formal assessments. If there are to be any changes to levels departments will either have indicated this in the tracking report or will be in touch directly. It is very pleasing that a number of pupils who were entered for National 4 will be changed to National 5 having done well in the assessments.
The school offers a range of study support session across the week, details can be found here.
We have purchased a whole school license for an online resource called Achieve (achieve.hashtag-learning.co.uk/accounts/login/). Pupils in S4-6 all have been given login details.
Achieve gives pupils access to a wide range of material to support independent study including past paper questions, video tutorials, and topic quizzes. I cannot emphasise enough how useful a tool this is, and I strongly encourage pupils to use it to support their studies.
HPV Vaccines
Parents of pupils who are entitled to the HPV vaccine will have received consent forms. For more information on the vaccine please follow the link below.
Vaccines for young people | NHS inform
Skills Development Scotland – Parent/Carer Survey
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) would like to find out how you talk to your child about careers and your awareness and use of our services. Your feedback will help us to understand your needs and how we can improve our services.
The survey should only take 10 minutes and it will be open to responses until Friday 30th May 2025.
All participants have the chance to win one of four £100 Amazon gift cards. To enter the prize draw, please leave your details at the end of this survey.
Please click here to complete the survey.
Happy New Year and best wishes
S Illingworth
Head Teacher (Acting)
Whole School
Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
Whole School
Whole School
Help with School Meals During Holidays
Where a pupil is eligible for free school meals because of low income, they may get extra help during school holidays...