Monday 25th November 2024
25.11.24 – 6.12.24 S2 Coursing interviews (deadline for submitting choices 6.12.24)
26.11.24: Art Showcase 1800 – 1930 Art Department
28.11.24 – 16.12.24 Formal Assessment window
29.11.24: S3 Tracking Reports issued
Formal Assessments
The formal assessment window opens on Thursday and by now pupils will be well in to their preparations. The timetable for the assessment can be found at the following link.
For those pupil who get amended arrangements such as extra-time, a scribe or use of ICT the Support for Learning Department have issued individualised timetables. If you have any questions about the additional assessment arrangements please get in contact with the Support for Learning team or the relevant Pupil Support Leader.
We continue to offer a range of supported study sessions and the timetable can be found at this link.
Supported Study –
S2 in to S3 Course Choice
Over the next two weeks S2 pupils will meet with their Pupil Support Leader during PSE lessons to discuss course choice for S3. All the course choice information can be found at this link.
Parents/carers have been issued with tracking reports, recommendations by subjects and we had the opportunity to discuss options at the recent Parent/Carers’ Evening.
The deadline for submitting completed and signed course choice forms is Friday 6th December.
Cycling to School
I mentioned in a previous update the issue of pupils cycling through the Woodburn PS playground and asked for your support in sharing the message that this shouldn’t be happening. We also raised the issue at assemblies. I am delighted to say that our colleagues at the primary school have reported no further incidents involving our pupils, with those who do use the route dismounting and walking. Thank you for your support with this, and the pupils deserve a huge amount of credit for taking the advice on board and being so responsible in considering the safety of others.
Best wishes
S Illingworth
Head Teacher (Acting)
Whole School
Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
Whole School
Whole School