Tuesday 29th October 2024
Week Beginning 28.10.24
Winter Ball
We will be holding a Winter Ball for all S5/6 on Thursday 19th December at 7 PM. Tickets are £5 each and details of how to purchase will follow soon.
Halloween Disco – Cancellation
Due to lack of interest we have had to cancel the S1 Halloween disco. For those who bought tickets please see the school office for a refund. We know those who bought tickets will be disappointed but we will try to run another social event for S1s later in the session.
S4-6 Formal Assessments
As highlighted in last week’s update our formal assessments for S4-6 will run from November 28th to December 16th. The timetable is now finalised and was emailed to all parents/carers at the end of last week.
Parent Partnership –Reminder
The next meeting will run on Monday 11th November at 7PM in the Art Department.
House Assemblies
On Thursday morning we will be running House Assemblies to launch the new Bullying and Equalities policy, this will be available on the school website later in the week. The launch has been timed to coincide with Anti-Bullying Week (11 – 15 November) during which we will be running events to raise awareness of the issue.
Tracking and Monitoring
S1 and S4-6 parents/carers will receive tracking reports at the beginning of next week. If there is anything in these you want to discuss please contact the school office.
Whole School
Change of SQA exam dates/times
SQA have made the decision to start the exam diet 1 day earlier to allow more flexibility within the exam timetable...
Whole School
Whole School