Head Teacher Update. Week Beginning 4/11/24

Monday 4th November 2024

4/11/24: N5 Drama Performance (Evening)
7/11/24: S2 Parents Consultation Evening (1600 ā€“ 1900)
11/11/24 Parent Partnership (1900)

This weekly update ā€“ focusing on school business – is part of our drive to improve communications with parents/carers and the wider school community. Our monthly bulletin covers school events and pupil achievements. To ensure achievements are recognised in the bulletin please keep us informed of successes young people are having out of school.
If you have any thoughts on how we might further improve communications please let me know.

Cycling to school
There have been some unfortunate incidents as the result of young people and adults cycling through the grounds of Woodburn Primary School. This area is not a cycle route and anyone travelling through must dismount. I raised this with pupils at assemblies and the primary school report a massive improvement. I would be grateful if parents/carers could reinforce this message at home.

Pupil Absence
We are in the very fortunate position as a school of having two Pupil Care and Welfare Officers (PCWOs) who monitor attendance on a period-by-period basis, allowing us to address attendance issues quickly. We are legally obliged to inform parents about unreported absence as soon as we become aware, but, unfortunately, on occasions, our PCWOs and office staff receive abusive messages in responses to absence texts and phone calls. If any parents/carers have issues around how we monitor attendance I would be grateful if these were raised with me or another member of the SLT rather than with the administrative staff.

Parent Council Survey
Iā€™d like to thank the Parent Partnership for conducting a survey to gather the views of parents/carers about the school, and thanks also to those who responded. The results make for very useful reading and we will be using the information to inform improvements. The summary of results is being emailed to you all today (4/11/24).

Best wishes
S Illingworth
Head Teacher (Acting)

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