Head Teacher Update – Week Beginning 9/12/24

Tuesday 10th December 2024


10.12.24               S3 Parent/Carers’ Evening – 1600 – 1900

12.12.24               Expressive Arts Christmas Showcase – Doors Open 1800

16.12.24               Formal Assessments – Final Day

19.12.24               Winter Ball – 1830 – 2100

20.12.24               Term Ends


Attendance Information for Parents/Carers

Ensuring all pupils who are able attend school remains a priority for the school and Midlothian Council.  We know that dealing with a child who struggles to attend can be very challenging for parents and carers.  The following resources have been produced by Parent Club Scotland to support parents in this situation.

Talking to your child’s school about attendance | Parent Club

Tips for helping your child if they feel unable to go to school | Parent Club

Help if your child feels unable to go to school | Parent Club


Expressive Art Showcase

The pupils and staff are working hard to prepare for the Christmas Showcase on Thursday evening.  Tickets are still available from the school office or on ParentPay.


Festive Fridays

Over the next two Fridays pupils may wear something festive to mark the holiday season.


Edinburgh Zoo/Highland Wildlife Park Summer School

Information has been shared with pupil on the whole – school Google Classroom about the RZSS Science Summer Schools for pupil 16-18.  For more information please see the following link.



Skills Development Scotland – Parent/Carer Survey

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) would like to find out how you talk to your child about careers and your awareness and use of our services. Your feedback will help us to understand your needs and how we can improve our services.

The survey should only take 10 minutes and it will be open to responses until Friday 30th May 2025.

All participants have the chance to win one of four £100 Amazon gift cards. To enter the prize draw, please leave your details at the end of this survey.

Please click here to complete the survey.

Best wishes

S Illingworth

Head Teacher (Acting)




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