Home Economics

Subjects taught in Home Economics:

  • National 3-5 Practical Cookery
  • National 4 & 5 Skills for Work Hospitality
  • National 5 Practical Cake Craft
  • National 4 & 5 Early Learning and Childcare
  • National Progression Award 4 in Bakery

Why Study Home Economics:

Home Economics is a subject that covers many areas you will use as a life skill or to form a career.

We promote health and wellbeing in relation to food and diet. We expand your options concerning food choices by cooking various dishes and studying different ingredients from around the world.

Excursion Opportunities:

Skills for work hospitality will do site visits to numerous hotels to look at skills and careers.

Early Learning and Childcare will visit Primary Schools.


  • Practical ability and skills with a knowledge of food.
  • Understanding design and evaluation for analysing and improving throughout the practical courses.
  • Working as team is crucially important for skills for work.