At Dalkeith High School we have a well-established LGBTQ+ group for staff and pupils. We offer safe spaces at lunchtime once a week for pupils to socialise and make friends from across the BGE and Senior phase of school. The group encourages diversity within the curriculum and advocates for everyone to have their voices heard and feel represented. The LGBTQ+ group collaborates with Pupil Voice and Rights Respecting Schools to provide an inclusive and respectful school environment.
The school group is made up of enthusiastic pupils who enjoy helping to shape the school environment and taking opportunities to organise whole school events. Every year pupils have the opportunity to fundraise for a chosen charity, which has been a highlight of the group in the past two years. We also have a close relationship with MYPAS, a youth organisation based in Midlothian, which offers a range of support for young people including members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Lunch clubs run on a Tuesday during BGE and Senior break. It is a relaxed and informal group open to everyone both staff and pupils alike and we hope to see plenty of new faces this year.