Maths &. Numeracy BGE

Topics covered in BGE:

The BGE course covers a broad spectrum of topics for those who desire to work in STEM subjects as well as those looking to develop the skills for a trade.

Basic arithmetical skills of add, subtract, divide and multiply are extended to include fractions, decimals, powers and are applied to real life skills including money etc

Pupils also learn the relationship between various units of measure (ie mm, cm ml), and how to use protractors and compasses accurately. This is applied to scale, scale drawing and similarity

Their geometrical skills are developed to include a compound shapes, enabling them to calculate the area, perimeter of a variety of shapes and calculate the cost of relaying carpet or painting a room etc. Pythagoras is also introduced here.

Statistics begin with the basic understanding of a variety of Data displays (bar Charts pie Charts etc.) Pupils then start to develop the skills to be able to compare various groups of data and make decisions based on their conclusions. Learning how to communicate their conclusions concisely is also focused on here.

Algebra begins with a simple introduction as to why we use letters and quickly has pupils solving equations; simplify expressions, multiplying out brackets and changing the subject of the formula. All skills that form a base for those looking to develop the abilities required for engineering and design as well as medicine and other STEM careers.



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