Mobile Phone

How the system works

Each desk in the classroom is numbered and, importantly, the pupils have a fixed seating plan for the entire session which is recorded by the teacher. Each classroom has numbered phone pouches attached to the walls, easily accessible at the entrance of the classroom, which correspond to the numbers on the desks.

As pupils enter the classroom, the teacher, during their ‘meet and greet’, ensures that each pupil puts their phone into their assigned numbered pouch. At the end of each lesson, following a plenary or exit pass activity, the pupils will retrieve their phones themselves during the teacher-led ‘end and send’.

Importantly, there are no exceptions to this rule and the instructions given by the teacher should make it explicit that all pupils must put their phone in the pouch before the learning can begin.

Due to the nature of certain practical subjects, some departments may have their own systems in place. Pupils should adhere to these procedures in line with departmental policies.


What if pupils do not comply?

If a pupil refuses to put their phone in the pouch then classroom teachers should follow the positive behaviour policy interventions:

  • Teacher to provide the young person with one further opportunity to comply
  • If the pupil refuses to comply, the teacher requests the pupil to discuss this further outside the classroom to explain the importance of this system. The teacher should make every effort to resolve the situation themselves.
  • If pupil continues to refuse then teacher to request assistance from Curriculum Leader
  • If pupil refuses to follow instructions from the Curriculum Leader then a duty officer should be called
  • Curriculum Leader to contact home and send a referral to House Team (information only)

The pupil will not return to the lesson unless they agree to put their phone in their allocated pouch.


If a pupil claims that they do not have a phone and is caught using it in class:

  • Teacher to provide the young person with one further opportunity to comply
  • If the pupil refuses to comply, the teacher requests the pupil to discuss this further outside the classroom to explain the importance of this system. The teacher should make every effort to resolve the situation themselves.
  • If pupil continues to refuse then teacher to request assistance from Curriculum Leader
  • If pupil refuses to follow instructions from the Curriculum Leader then a duty officer should be called
  • Curriculum Leader to contact home and send a referral to House Team (information only)



HighSchool High School