Modern Languages

Subjects taught in Languages:

  • BGE French & Spanish
  • National 3-5 French
  • Higher French
  • Advanced Higher French
  • National 3-5 Spanish
  • Higher Spanish
  • Advanced Higher Spanish

Why Study Languages:

Learning new languages brings many fantastic benefits to a young person’s life. Language skills can not only open doors to travel and work opportunities but also help your confidence, improve knowledge of your own language, broaden your horizons  or develop skills such as problem solving or coping with difficult tasks or situations.

Language skills will give you a competitive edge in the job market and are particularly useful in Business, Management, Law, Marketing, Administration, Medical careers, and Journalism. Britain has a national shortage of employees at all levels with language skills.

Study Club Details:

The languages department runs after school study clubs for all learners wishing to get extra support. The days may vary depending on learners and teachers’ availability.


  • Communication skills (reading, writing, talking, listening)
  • Cultural awareness
  • Problem solving skills
  • Better understanding of English
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork