Physical Education Senior Phase

Topics covered in Senior Phase:

All pupils in s4-s6 will still access 1 or 2 periods of “core PE” every week where pupils get more opportunity to develop their skills in activities they experienced in S1-3. Core PE is aimed at developing Health and Wellbeing. During this time, pupils will not only get the chance to take part in practical activities, but will also work on mental wellbeing through tasks such as mindfulness and meditation, or they can use the time to study as the pressures of assessments build.

National Qualifications:

  • National 4 and/or National 5 PE
  • Higher PE
  • National 5 Dance
  • Higher Dance
  • Sport and Recreation (level 5)


National and Higher PE

Pupils learn about the impact of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social factors on their performance in a chosen activity. They will learn about the process of identifying and improving on areas for development in their performance. Pupils will create and take part in a “Personal Development Plan” and will finish by evaluating the impact of their training on their overall performance.

National 4/5 pupils are required to create a portfolio of work to demonstrate their understanding of this process.

Higher PE pupils will sit an exam at the end of the year to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.

Practical Performance for N4/5 and Higher is assessed in 2 chosen activities.


National and Higher Dance

Choreography: Pupils take on the role of a choreographer where they create a dance from scratch. They select pupils to be their dancers and create a performance, with costumes, props and their own edited music. To accompany this process, pupils also write a “Choreographic Review” to explain the dance in more detail. An SQA examiner externally assesses this.

Performance: Pupils will learn a variety of dance styles, including Contemporary, Jazz and Commercial. N5 Pupils then choose one style to perform as their Solo assessment piece, and Higher pupils choose 2 contrasting styles. An SQA examiner externally assesses the Solo performances.

Written Exam: Learners will explore a chosen dance style to explore in depth. They will research key choreographers as well as the history and evolution of the dance style. Pupils will also learn about Technical and Performance skills that impact their performance, and understand how to develop key areas for development.


Sport and Recreation

Fitness Programming: Learn the procedures about planning and delivering fitness sessions for a client. Pupils learn the processes of testing, planning a programme of work, working through the programme with a “client” in the class, and monitoring the improvements.

Centre Duties: Pupils learn about the “behind the scenes” part of coaching. They will complete risk assessments, equipment maintenance and checks, inventory of equipment, and learn to set up and organise a number of sports facilities.

Coaching Skills: Develop Leadership by learning about a variety of activities, and some main coaching points to develop performance. Pupils plan and deliver sessions for some S1/2 classes, primary school classes as well as lunchtime and after school clubs.

This course is assessed internally and is a National 5 level course.


Pathways in Physical Education at Dalkeith HS:


Broad General Education



Performance PE

Football Development Skills

(Which includes an Exercise and Fitness: Circuit Training Level 4 Unit)


Physical Education National 4

Physical Education National 5

Physical Education Higher

Dance National 5

Dance Higher

Sport and Recreation National 5

Exercise and Fitness Leadership Level 6: Free-Weights Unit, Wider Achievement option.

Career Opportunities:

Physical Education Teacher

Sports Coach

Professional Athlete

Health/Human Performance related career e.g. Personal Trainers

Massage Therapist



Naturopathist (Health practitioner who applies natural therapies)

Physical Therapist

Career in media & communication e.g. sports journalist/reporter

Career in sports tourism e.g. water sports/ski resorts

Career in sports law

Career in sports management e.g. manufacturing/marketing

Outdoor Leisure e.g. sports facility management

Aroma Therapist

Sports Physiotherapist

Sports Scientist

Sports Psychologist

Sports Medicine

Sports Statistics

Sports Bio Chemistry

Sports Biomechanics