Pupil Support BGE

The aim of the BGE Personal, Social Education programme is to support young people to understand their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in order to make informed decisions in their life choices, as well as plan for success both in school and onto the next stage.

As part of the PSE curriculum young people learn about a number of topics relevant to their lives. These include the following but are not exclusive to:

  • Relationships including friendships, family relationships and peer relationships.
  • Healthy Living including healthy eating, diet, sleep and exercise as well as healthy living choices.
  • Children’s Rights including information regarding pupils rights and respect for the rights of others.
  • Healthy Respect including information regarding intimate and physical relationships.
  • My World of Work including information regarding careers, course choices and next steps beyond school.

PSE is also an opportunity for young people to share their views regarding issues and questions around Dalkeith High School.



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