Pupil Support Senior Phase

The aim of the Senior Phase Personal, Social Education programme is to support young people to understand their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in order to make informed decisions in their life choices, as well as plan for success both in school and onto the next stage.

As part of the PSE curriculum young people learn about a number of topics relevant to their lives. These include the following but not exclusive to:

  • Understanding what it means to maintain healthy relationships and signposting relevant supports outwith school
  • Healthy living, including the promotion of mental and physical health
  • Life skills including finances and independent living and planning
  • Children’s Rights including information regarding pupils rights and respect for the rights of others.
  • Supporting young people to make informed choices regarding positive destinations including information regarding careers, further education, course choices and next steps beyond school. We work closely with our Careers Advisor, Barbara Moir, to support young people in choosing the pathway most suitable to them.

PSE is also an opportunity for young people to share their views regarding issues and questions around Dalkeith High School.

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