Support for Learning Nurture

What we do in Nurture:

In the Nurture Base we want to create a welcoming and positive environment to support our pupils. Nurture is all about building positive relationships with their peers and teachers. In Nurture, we work on areas such as confidence, social skills, peer relationships, anxiety, attendance and engagement in school.

The Nurture Base offers various supports for pupils including:

Nurture Groups

Pupils attend the Nurture Base as part of their timetable and work on the above skills as well as looking to develop their executive function skills, which includes areas such as emotional control and organisation.

One to one Support Sessions

Pupils attend the Nurture Base and work on their engagement in school.

Soft Starts

Pupils attend the Nurture Base for the first 10-15 minutes every day. This creates a consistent routine and is shown to help pupils with their attendance and time keeping.

Breakfast Club

Pupils attend the Nurture Base before school where they can access a good breakfast, which is important for them to be able to be successful in class.

Lunch Clubs

Open to all pupils in S1-3, there is a lunch club on each day in the Nurture Base, which provides pupils with the opportunity to make friends and is a safe, calm place to have their lunch.

P7 Transition

The Nurture teacher is involved in the P7 transition and will start to build relationships with pupils before they move to Dalkeith High School. Support is available to pupils especially on their induction days and when they first move up to the school.


HighSchool High School