Vision and Values

Current School Vision

Dalkeith High School: Enabling all young people to succeed in an inclusive, respectful and stimulating environment.

To realise this vision we will:

  • Ensure all young people have the opportunities and experiences to be a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and an effective contributor.
  • Develop a curriculum which best meets the needs of our learners
  • Work in partnership with our community to set and deliver on aspirational outcomes for our young people
  • Provide a safe, nurturing and respectful learning environment in which all learners can flourish
  • Celebrate the diversity of our community, reduce inequalities and remove barriers to learning which may exist

Our School Vision is under review. We are working with pupils, staff, parents and partners to redevelop the vision for our school.

School Motto

Our traditional school motto is ‘Labor Vincit’, meaning Hard Work Prevails.

School Values

Our current vision is underpinned by our current values.

  • Confidence
  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Honesty
  • Success

As part of the Dalkeith High School Centenary celebrations in 2014, the Parent Council gifted funds for the creation of a stained glass window highlighting some of the values of the school:

Dalkeith High School Stained Glass Window

Our values shape the culture and ethos of our school. These too our under review. We are working with all stakeholders to ensure our values represent our current school community.

HighSchool High School