Changes to contact tracing for children and young people – 10 September 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find below a letter explaining the changes to contact tracing for children and young people. I hope that this is useful and helps to answer any questions that you may have with regards to recent changes in the procedure. Should you wish to discuss the contents of this letter further, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Download: 20210914082543309_ParentCarersLetterSchools10sept2021


Many thanks,

Craig Knight

Depute Headteacher

Eating Disorders in Children – Information for Parents & Carers

BEAT are offering (in conjunction in a project with NHS Lothian), Scotland wide, the useful phone based coaching support (for parents/carers, supported by parent experts by experience) called ECHO and email based support (for young people 12-25 with an eating disorder diagnosed or self identifying, supported by young adults now recovered from an eating disorder)  called SHARED. Here are links for signposting too.

eBook Lending Platform

Our eBook lending platform offers new ways to engage with pupils, and staff 

 With 24/7 access for today’s online world, eBooks are a great way to inspire both pupils and staff to explore books in a whole new way. They provide a different approach to reading at home as well as in school plus, they are a great way to get staff and pupils reading.

The system is easy to use and books can be downloaded instantly to your device. There are a range of children’s, teen and young adult e-Books available including contemporary fiction and popular authors, full length and abridged classics, modern classics, non-fiction and Accelerated Reader titles.

Just click on this link to scan the QR code below,  or download the Wheelers app from Android or Apple.  Your login in details are your username for logging into the PC’s at school and the password is ebs1.  Any problems just contact Mr Orr in the library.