Empowerment for parent and pupil participation

HMIE visited Dalkeith High School on Thursday, 28th March, 2019 as part of a national thematic inspection looking at empowerment for parent/carer and pupil participation.  Their findings will contribute to a national report that will be published on the Education Scotland website.  Verbal feedback was given to the Senior Leadership Team at the end of the visit and the comments received have been used to prepare the report below.


National thematic inspection: empowerment for parent and pupil participation

Dalkeith High School
Thursday, 28th March

Feedback from HMIE

HMIE visited Dalkeith High School on Thursday, 28th March, 2019 as part of a national thematic inspection looking at empowerment for parent/carer and pupil participation.  Their findings will contribute to a national report that will be published on the Education Scotland website.  Verbal feedback was given to the Senior Leadership Team at the end of the visit and the comments received have been used to prepare this report.

General points:

HMIE colleagues gave very positive feedback to the school at the end of their visit.  Our work on pupil voice will feature in the national report as an example of effective practice.  The school has also been asked to write a case study about the pupil leadership of the school show that will appear on the Education Scotland website.

The inspectors considered opportunities for participation by parents/carers and pupils in school improvements to be meaningful.  The self-evaluation document prepared in advance of the meeting was seen as an accurate reflection of the school’s position with regards to empowerment for parent and pupil participation.  The many strengths of the school were outlined in the document as well as next steps for further development.



Parents/carers are actively involved in the life and work of the school.  Their views are welcomed, sought and acted upon. The variety of communication methods used by the school is appreciated by the parental community.

Tracking procedures in the senior phase are very well received by parents/carers. The introduction of Show My Homework has been welcomed and there is an understanding that its full potential will be explored in the coming sessions.

The development of pupil voice by the school is seen as a positive move by parents/carers.  It is viewed as an example of ‘co-opted democracy’ in which all pupils are able to take part in the decision-making processes by being selected at random to attend the meetings of the Pupil Voice Forum to discuss issues relating to school improvement.

Involvement in Learning Walks in previous sessions was enjoyed by parents/carers and there is a willingness for this to continue in future sessions.  Parents/carers participate fully in the recruitment of senior members of staff.

The enthusiasm of staff to do their very best for the young people was highlighted as a strength of the school by parents/carers.

Next steps:

Parents/carers would like to be equipped to support their young people further with their learning and would appreciate the development of materials to allow them to do so.  Such materials could be shared on the school website or Show My Homework.

More opportunities for family learning would be welcomed by parents/carers.  It was suggested by HMIE that this could also include opportunities for parents/carers to work towards attaining additional qualifications themselves or to gain work experience.



The structures and systems used to listen to pupil voice are inclusive and were commended by the inspectorate team.  The random selection of pupils to attend the meeting led by Pupil Voice Leaders is appreciated.  Pupils feel confident that their voice is being heard and that they are having an impact. Pupil Voice Leaders particularly appreciate the opportunity to meet with the Senior Leadership Team to complete the feedback loop.

The introduction of 5-a-day is a positive move and it was recognised by the inspectorate team that the conversations that take place during the meetings with the Senior Leadership Team are linked to school improvement priorities.  This was commended as a very sophisticated use of the 5-a-day system.

Pupils are very articulate and can talk about many aspects of the school’s work.  Their commitment to the school is clear. Pupil participation is an area of strength with many examples evidenced, including learners leading their own learning and the learning of others.

Recruitment of staff is an area in which pupils value the opportunity to be involved in the decision-making processes in the school.  They believe that the school places trust in their abilities to carry out such an important task. Pupils also acknowledge the degree of trust placed in them though their inclusion in the recent rounds of Learning Walks in which they evaluated learning experiences alongside member of the Senior Leadership Team. Observation sheets used were devised by Pupil Voice Leaders based on challenge questions in ‘How Good is Our School?’ Pupil Voice Leaders accompanied the inspectors during class observations made as part of the inspection visit. The inspectors commented on the thoughtful way in which the pupils were commenting on the learning experiences observed. This demonstrates the strong, positive relationships across the school community.

The school’s approach to recognising achievement is positively perceived by pupils.  This includes the use of the merit system, Learners of the Month displayed on doors, letters home to parents/carers.  Achievement Tuesday takes place on the last Tuesday of the month and pupils find it motivating to be encouraged by House Captains to recognise and record their achievements out of school. They are able to talk about how the skills developed through achievement out of school can impact on their learning in school.  The incentive of the House Prize is which the House with the greatest number of House Points wins a trip to Alton Towers (S4-6) or Blair Drummond Safari Park (S1-3) is valued by pupils.  They approve of a recent change in which the ‘top achievers’ from each of the other Houses are included in the trips, along with pupils from the winning House.

The range of enhancement opportunities provided by the school is valued by pupils.  The use of the Inclusion fund to break down financial barriers to inclusion is well embedded.

Pupils are proud of the many leadership roles that they engage with, including Peer Supporters helping with S1 transition process and the co-creation of the revised anti-bully policy, My World of Work Ambassadors leading the learning of pupils, staff and parents etc.

Pupils value the support given by staff very highly.

Departments/faculties gather the views of pupils to inform improvements.

The use of Show My Homework is embedded across the school and is being used well as a communication tool.

Partnership working to enhance the learning experiences is strong and is clearly linked to the attainment of qualifications wherever possible.  This has led to the creation of wide range of curricular opportunities, such as Forest and Outdoor Learning Award, Duke of Edinburgh, STEM activities, Skills for Work courses etc.

Next steps:

The school should continue to ‘popularise’ pupil voice activities.

Pupil voice gathered by departments/faculties should be collated by the Senior Leadership Team and shared with all.  This will allow for collaboration across the school in the use of the views of pupils.

The rationale for partnership working should be made explicit with anticipated benefits for both the school and partners clearly outlined.  The school should continue to collate information about the many and varied partnerships that exist.

The school should move forward with plans to identify those pupils who are not engaging in wider achievement opportunities, with any barriers to inclusion identified and addressed.

Pupil voice should continue to be used to inform further development of the curriculum.



The role of the Parent Council

Link: DHS Parent Council Latest News

Link: DHS Parent Council Meeting Dates


Parent Council

The Parent Council is the formal body which represents all parents and carers of pupils at Dalkeith High School.  The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 makes provision for all parents to be members of the Parent Forum at a school, and to have their views represented to the school, education authority and others, through a representative Parent Council for the school.

The Act aims to help all parents to be:

  • involved in their child’s education and learning
  • welcomed as active participants in the life of the school
  • encouraged to express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with the school.

Midlothian Council has developed guidance for Parent Councils, including a support pack to assist with the establishment of a Parent Council.

All meetings of the Parent Council are open to any parent and dates of the meetings will be published in the school newsletters, posted on the school website and advertised on Twitter.

Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is a less formal body which supports the school at a number of events during the school year.  Fund-raising occasions have included quizzes, fashion shows and even a Strictly Dalkeith-style.    Through the commitment and dedication of the parents who involve themselves in the wider life of the school, funds are raised annually and donated to the Pupil Voice.  These funds are then disbursed in the best interests of our young people.


Contact details for the Parent Council and PTA office bearers are:

Parent Council Chair: Caroline Pearson   scottishelements@live.com

Parent Council Secretary: Deborah Slater  dflorsham@gmail.com
T: 0131 663 3853

Parent Council Treasurer: Anne Murray amurray150@yahoo.co.uk



Download: The Role of the Parent Council

Download: Parent Council Welcome Pack


Pupil Support at Dalkeith High School

Dalkeith High School is made up of four Houses: Buccleuch, Dalhousie, Lothian and Melville.

Each House has a House Head (Depute Head Teacher), a Pupil Support Leader and a Pupil Concern Welfare Officer.

The table below provides details of the appropriate members of staff for each House.


House Buccleuch Dalhousie Lothian Melville
House Head Mrs E O’Connell Mr C Knight Ms J Bones (all S1)
Mrs M Kelly (all L2)
Mr S Gordon
Pupil Support Leader Mr M Harris Mrs E Frame Mrs R Waterhouse Ms K McCole (acting)
Pupil Concern Welfare Officer Mrs J Zamal Mrs E McBride Mrs J Zamal Mrs E McBride


In addition to Pastoral Care, Personal and Social Education is planned and taught by the Pupil Support Leaders to ensure pupils learn about and can discuss matters such as healthy relationships, health, progress in learning, careers, education and citizenship.

Teenage years can be difficult for some young people and our Pupil Support staff play an important role in helping pupils who are experiencing challenges in their education or personal lives. During Parents’ Evenings there are opportunities for parents/carers to meet Pupil Support Leaders, however if you have concerns about your child’s progress or matters of a personal nature, you can contact the school to make an appointment with the relevant House Team.


Your child’s Pupil Support Leader is your first point of contact if you have any concerns you would like to discuss. They can be contacted on the telephone number below.

Telephone number
0131 654 4701

Our Vision Statement

Following an extensive period of consultation with pupils, staff and parents/carers, we have agreed our vision statement which will guide us as we move forward with further improvements to our school.

 Dalkeith High School: Enabling all young people to succeed in an inclusive, respectful and stimulating environment
