Take part in the Midlothian Carers Survey!

The Midlothian Carers Survey is currently open, and VOCAL and their partners are looking to receive more responses than ever before.

The survey is for unpaid carers and it is  an opportunity to have your say and help influence how services are delivered locally. Whether it’s about taking a break from caring, care packages for the person you care for or services that have helped you, we want to listen to your thoughts and ideas.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and you can enter a prize draw too with a holiday or £50 voucher to be won! You can save your answers and come back to them, and you don’t need to answer every question. We’ll ask you about your current or former caring role, taking a break from caring, money, work, health, and wellbeing. The survey will close on Thursday 31 August.

Have your say: https://online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/ff208b97-841d-4008-b64a-e3dbda42f30a

Scottish Apprenticeships and ASN – Free Webinar

Skills Development Scotland will be hosting a free webinar aimed to provide parents/carers and individuals with information on the support available for those with Additional Support Needs to take a Foundation, Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship.

Registration takes place on Eventbrite and the webinar will be on Teams.

More information about the event is on the Eventbrite page: https://ScottishApprenticeshipsandAdditionalSupportNeeds.eventbrite.co.uk

The School Day

School Day

The school has four ‘long days’ each with seven classes/periods and one ‘short’ day, a Friday with four classes/periods.

In each secondary school in Midlothian:

  • Classes begin at 8.40am, (Monday through Friday)
  • Classes will finish at 3.25pm, (Monday through Thursday)
  • On a Friday, classes in each secondary school will finish at 12.15pm

Break and Lunch

Dalkeith High School has a split break and lunch for the Broad General Education (S1-3) and Senior Phase (S4-S6) on a Monday – Thursday. On a Friday, S1 – S6 has the same break time, along with St David’s High School.

Structure of the school day:

Attendance and punctuality
Dalkeith High School attaches great importance to good attendance and timekeeping. Absence from school, whatever the cause, disrupts learning. We value the partnership and support we have with parents in meeting our high standards in attendance and punctuality.

Dalkeith High School operates an online period registration system. This means that your child’s arrival at school in the morning, and attendance at each class of the day is registered by your child’s class teachers.

Teaching and learning begins at 8.40 a.m.
Throughout the day your child should move quickly and efficiently between classes to minimise disruption to learning.

If your child arrives late for school:
– a parental note is required
– the note should be given to school office staff on arrival
– the lateness will be recorded online in your child’s records
If your child arrives late, but before 10 a.m., you will receive a text alerting you to the late arrival.

August 23 Recoursing Arrangement for S5 and S6

It is understood that the publication of exam results can necessitate a change in course choice.  Appointments will be available to discuss potential amendments during the first week of the new term.  The link to these appointments will be available on results day, Tuesday 8 August.  Please check your emails and texts.  Pupils should make appointments on receipt of results and should not leave the booking of appointments until the return to school.

Miss Bones